Our specialist drainage teams construct bespoke solutions to meet your needs.
Offering drainage solutions across the Midlands and Yorkshire, Thomas Bow City Asphalt’s specialist drainage team use innovative techniques to construct bespoke solutions to meet a varying range of requirements.
Our experienced teams are able to advise on the design and construction of a range of drainage solutions, including deep drainage (up to 10 metres deep). Our teams are versed in dealing with a range of environmental situations, from confined urban highway maintenance to large volume sewers for airports. Our expertise includes specialist areas: attenuation design, overload flow modelling, traditional gravity drainage and pumping stations.
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Planning regulations for large-scale developments will often require ‘Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems’ (SuDS), a type of drainage solution that typically mimics nature by managing rainfall close to where it falls. Schemes that Thomas Bow City Asphalt have used this system on include major airports, car parks, new-housing developments and commercial properties.
Pumping Stations
In-plant pump stations are used to pump flow from areas that are considered too low to drain by gravity into nearby sewer lines. Variable speed pumping is often used to optimise pump performance and minimise power use.
For a quote on our drainage services and to find out more, get in touch.